Keyword Planning and Mapping

If you are following along in order, you should have just completed your keyword list after reading the previous post. Once you have the list established, then you need to break the keywords down into seed words, keyword variations, synonyms, entities, and...

Keyword Research

YOUR KEYWORDS ARE NOT DETERMINED BY YOUR CONTENT. YOUR CONTENT IS DETERMINED BY YOUR KEYWORDS. I see so many people who will just find the most repeated word on any given page and call that their keyword. NO! Just because it is there does not mean it’s your...

Mangools Keyword Planner Demo Video

This video gives an overview of how I use the Mangools Keyword Planning tool. The Keyword Planner is just 1 of 5 tools that comes with Mangools free and premium plans. For local SEO, you won’t find a better product out there. The free plan will be more than...