Internal Linking

Internal linking is one of THE most important elements of on-page SEO. Good content with proper internal linking will take you quite far in terms of ranking, and Google is never going to devalue this so it will also help to future-proof your site. When laying out your...
Writing Content for SEO & CRO: Service Pages 

Writing Content for SEO & CRO: Service Pages 

If you’ve not already read ‘Writing Content for SEO & CRO: The Home Page’, please go back and do so now, as much of what I am going to say here is dependent upon the home page. Think of your service pages as individual sales pitches, which is...
Writing Content for SEO & CRO: Service Pages 

Writing Content for SEO & CRO: The Home Page

For this example, let’s go back to the Keyword Planning that we completed previously for a roofing contractor. Recall our keyword mapping spreadsheet from the previous lesson: HOME PAGE The home page is typically the most common point of entry. It is written for...